How to Remove Spilled Oil From Your Kitchen Floor

Working in a restaurant of any kind or cooking in the kitchen can get a bit messy.

Now, of course, there are the usually ketchup and honey mustard spills, and now and again a tub of tomatoes will slip out of your hands and onto the floor.

But what would you do if you spilled a gallon of olive oil or vegetable oil on the floor?

Would you clean it up with a mop and bucket of hot soapy water? If you did, it might take you a very long time to clean up.

Would you go straight to the roll of paper towels and grab the whole roll of them? Well, I am going to tell you, you will probably need more than one roll of paper towels to clean up that kind of mess!

Now, I have you thinking, I am sure!

You’re probably all wondering what the heck would clean up an oil spill in the kitchen fast and safely in little time. Well the answer to that question is very simple.

The answer is oatmeal!

Now the reason why oatmeal is the best product to put down on a large kitchen oil spill is because the oats will safely and rapidly begin to absorb the oil from the floor until all the oil is removed.

However, I know some restraints might not have oatmeal handy, which is why I am going to tell you the next best things to use, which are cornstarch and breadcrumbs.

Cornstarch and breadcrumbs have absorption abilities as well, but your best bet is to use oatmeal!

Now you probably all wondering how do I use oatmeal, cornstarch and breadcrumbs to clean up an oil mess?

Well it’s actually very easy to do.

When you have an oil spill in your kitchen, all you need to do is grab a box of oatmeal or any one of the items I already mentioned and dump a large amount over and on top of your oil spill and allow the oatmeal or any other item to sit and absorb the oil for about twenty minutes.

Once you have allowed your oatmeal to absorb the oil spill, all you will have to do is grab a broom and dust pan and sweep up the mess.

After you have swept up the absorbed oil oats from the floor and tossed them into the trash, you can then take a mop and bucket of soapy water and mop the spot where the oil had spilled to remove any extra oil that may have been left behind.

However, if you go straight for the mop and soapy water bucket first to remove an oil spill, you are only going to spread the oil mess further on your floor and possibly slip and injury yourself.

Here is a quick tip for you!

Always use dawn liquid soap when cleaning up the extra oil from your floor.

So now that you know how to clean up that oil spill on the floor safely and fast using oatmeal.

So, what would be your reaction when next you spill some oil on the kitchen floor?

Use oatmeal? Or will you go straight to that roll of paper towel?

Well I don’t know, but let’s just hope you go straight for that oatmeal for safe and easy clean up!

Elise Wheeler

Published by
Elise Wheeler

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