There are some really dangerous foods from around the world out there that many people crave for, especially tourists, which are actually deadly to the eater and could prove fatal if extra caution is not taken.
If you look at it, it actually seems that these foods where designed or made to kill you.
But this is not the case.
In most cases, tourists, travelers and those indulging in these dangerous food see it as a delicacy or get a thrill from the deadly adventure.
No matter the reason, these foods are dangerous and could make one sick if they are not well prepared or in some cases could even prove fatal and lead to death.
The list below contains some of the common and most dangerous foods from around the world.
Fugu Puffer Fish
This dangerous fish food is meant for the most daring foodies. Fugu puffer fish, also known as blowfish is a Japanese delicacy that is usually eaten raw.
Considered to be the most dangerous food in the world, it takes only highly trained chefs to prepare who usually get trained for between 2 – 3 years to obtain a certification to prepare it; and this certification comes with a high failure rate.
The fugu’s internal organs contains the lethal poison tetrodotoxin, a substance which is considered to be 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide.
Yeah, you read that right!
When consumed, the poison slowing closes down the central nervous system without the person even being aware, resulting in paralysis and eventual death. This happens when the fish is cut the wrong way, hence the reason why chefs in Japan had to go through the tedious process of getting certified to prepare fugu. Just a single fish that is not well prepared is enough to kill 30 people; and a lethal dose could be as small as a pin head.
Despite this, the more adventurous consume this fish continually. According to the Japanese continues to consume 10,000 tons of the fish annually.
The good news is that there are some certified chefs who can actually prepare fugu.
The bad news is that the poison doesn’t have an antidote. So, if your belly has a death wish, this is the food for you; so choose your poison wisely!
This could definitely be your last meal on earth even if you didn’t intend it to be!
Sannakji Choking Octopi
Second on this list is another sea creature, the Sannakji Choking Octopi, which is considered to be among the most dangerous foods from around the world. This is a Korean delicacy prepared by chopping up baby octopus into small pieces but which continues to move even after it has died.
The octopus still continues to move even after the limbs have been chopped up and the body covered in sesame oil and the suction caps still retaining its gripping power, enabling it to be able hold onto your mouth and throat and thus becoming a choking hazard. The octopus limbs actually tried to climb back to your mouth from the throat.
Death by asphyxiation is common among novice eater!
This is a case of food getting its revenge. Instead of choking on your food, your food might actually succeed in choking you.
It is advisable to be very careful with this one. In fact, for novice eaters, it is advisable to chew your food before ever thinking of swallowing it.
Giant Bull Frogs
Next on the list of the most dangerous foods from around the world is not another sea creature but an amphibian found in Namibia, Africa; the Giant Bull Frog.
The African giant bull frog contains a variety of toxic substances which are lethal to humans. According to the locals, the young frogs which have not started mating are the most dangerous because of a toxin that they carry.
Even if the frogs have started mating, eating the wrong part of the frog at any time of the year is a sure way of risking kidney failure. It’s true that you won’t croak to death from eating an immature bull frog, especially if you seek medical attention fast; but it’s certainly a high risk and price to pay just to enjoy a simple meal.
The best bet if you value your life would be to deny your palates this dangerous delicacy and just keep the frog as a pet as many people do around the world.
Cassava Root
Cassava root is consumed by millions of people worldwide, and forms a vital part in many diets. It is found mostly in South America, Asia and Africa. Cassava roots, if not well-prepared can produce a very toxic poisonous substance called cyanide.
Actually, cassava roots contains a toxin called linamarin which the human body converts to the lethal cyanogenic glycoside when eaten raw or uncooked.
Though it is a sure means of getting a healthy dose of carbohydrates, one has to be really careful to make sure it’s well cultivated and cooked for eating, otherwise you might end up getting unwanted poison as part of your diet as well.
The Americans prefer calling it tapioca, and often finds its place in the preparation of pudding. Also, a number of people are allergic to the cassava plant and the American Cancer Society have made a warning that those allergic to latex rubber are more susceptible to getting poisoned and should thus opt for a more healthy dessert.
Ackee Fruit
The Ackee fruit is an extremely popular fruit and also a popular delicacy in Jamaica; though it originated from west Africa and then found its way to Jamaica. This fruit, though Jamaican national delicacy is very dangerous and just a bite from an unripe fruit could cause coma or death.
The Ackee fruit can be eaten raw or mixed with other traditional dishes, however the danger comes with the black seeds found within the fruits which contains the poison hypoglycin that could cause severe vomiting known as Jamaica Vomiting Sickness. The fruit must NOT be eaten until its ripe and burst open by itself, and then the yellow-hued flesh consumed. The large black seeds inside the fruits are always poisonous and must never be eaten.
Though a delicacy, this comes with some risks and in my opinion, its best avoided.
Personally, I would just make do with bananas and apples.
Mushrooms are already known to be hallucinogenic, but they also make a good delicacy especially when cooked with garlic and butter or with a tangy pasta sauce.
That’s the good side of mushrooms.
Mushrooms on the other hand can be dangerous and could make one sick or even end life if they are eaten without knowledge or guide. This is especially so for people who go into the forest to pick their own mushrooms. Choosing the wrong ones could be deadly.
Poisonous mushrooms are known as “toadstools” and carry toxins that could prove lethal. So, when hunting for mushrooms, do so with a knowledgeable guide.
Known lethal varieties of mushrooms are the Death Cap, Destroying Angels and Deadly Webcap. These are highly poisonous and could cause death.
Personally am a big fan of mushrooms. Not only are they a delicacy but rich and rare as well. However, eating the wrong one could be fatal especially when you hunt for them yourself in the wild. It’s a pity mushrooms in the forest don’t come with labels.
Casu Marzu Cheese
Most people are crazy about cheese and for a good reason but the Casu Marzu Cheese is on a different league of its own as it’s the most dangerous cheese in the world; as it could cause severe health issues both before you eat it and after eating it.
Everything about this cheese is gross right from the way it’s made down to how it’s eaten. Popularly known as the rotting cheese, this Italian cheese is laid out in the open for days for flies to lay their eggs on it. The eggs then hatch and the maggots crawl out and feed on the cheese, leading to faster fermentation.
Are you thinking this is gross and puking already?
Wait, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
When consuming Casu Marzu, the locals seriously advise putting on goggles or any eye protection gadgets. This is because the maggots can jump six inches into your eye balls, and may the Good Lord help you if your eyes are not protected.
As if that is not enough, even after eating the cheese, the maggots survive well enough to cause some damages as they wiggle through your intestinal walls causing serious health issues like bloody diarrhea and vomiting.
This food is considered a serious health threat that it has been banned by the Europe Union. Despite the ban and dangers inherent with this food, there is a big market for it as there is a black market for it.
Monkey Brains
Monkey brains also happens to be one of the most dangerous foods from around the world. Though the thought of consuming the brains of a primate might sound disgusting to you, it is a delicacy in some parts of the world, like in Asia.
In places like Asia, monkey brains are either eaten raw or cooked; a local delight.
The problem though with consuming monkey brains is that an illness called Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, lurks inside the brain of the monkey. This disease is very similar to the well-known Mad Cow disease, an incurable and fatal degenerative neurological disorder. What this means is that by consuming monkey brains, your brain tissues degenerate a well.
Rhubarb Leaves
I will conclude this list of the most dangerous foods in the world with rhubarb leaves. Rhubarb pie is a favorite of many, and for good reasons.
However, when cooking with rhubarb, it is good to remember to use just the stems and not the leaves. The green leaves of the rhubarb must never be consumed as it’s very toxic.
The rhubarb leaves contains oxalic acid which is corrosive and can form deadly crystals in the kidneys when ingested.
Obvious symptoms of rhubarb poisoning includes seizures, nausea, reddish urine, burnings in the throat and mouth, eye pains and diarrhea.
While rhubarb stems are the real deal, you might want to stay away from rhubarb leaves if you truly value your life.
There you have it, some of the most dangerous foods around the world; and in case you are wondering why people crave for them despite all the craziness and risks, I guess it’s all about the thrill.