Daniel Michaels
While my expertise lies in the MMO niche, I have found writing blog posts on foods, recipes and healthy living to be both refreshing and fulfilling.
For one, it has enabled me to delve into a totaling new niche, and writing each of the articles has been fulfilling.
The MAIN WRITER behind this blog is Elise Wheeler. I met her more than a decade ago in an online writing platform called factoidz back then and since then we have become fast friends.
She is not just an accomplished wife and mother, but an excellent cook as well with a plethora of personal recipes.
Even without the Authors profile, one could easily tell who writes what from the style of writing.
While hers is highly personalized; since she does the actual cooking and recipes most time; mine is not so, as I have to research even if I have eaten such dishes.
If you want original recipes that you can try out, I assure you that you are in the right place. I have watched Elise cook, and she writes her piece as she does the cooking, even taking the pictures life.
You are going to have access to thousands of articles through her; and if there is one great decision concerning this website, it is bringing her in on here.
I have been writing health and food recipes articles for as long as I can remember; I would say for more than 10 years at least.
For me, writing such articles is fun as I love to cook.
And as I cook, I write my pieces. Most of the recipes you will see here will be totally different from many you se online. Nothing rehashed; nothing copied.
When Daniel told me about this blog, and invited me on here, I was piqued. Not just because I kind of owe him a lot. He did teach me how to write compelling Reviews…lol…; but because it’s what I love doing, and I had about 4, 000+ ORIGINAL articles just kinda lying idle.
Being the marketer, he was, he was quick to point out the impact such ORIGINAL articles could have positively on any website; SEO or not.
While I just started up a pure vegan blog; something myself and family just started; putting up my articles here is something I look forward to.